Sunday, August 3, 2014

Training Log 8/3/14

Ever have one of those weeks where every day you need a spatula to peel yourself out of bed? Yeah that was me this past week. Every day I had to resist the urge to hit that snooze button for the 4th or 5th time.

Make no mistake though, training in the early morning is the absolute best. The atmosphere is much more conducive to success. Everyone in the gym at 5 or 6 am is there to do work. No obnoxious teenagers. No housewives chatting it up between sets of pink dumbbell curls. No guys doing roundhouse kick-provoking stuff like this:

I've also had a chance to make some new friends with like-minded individuals. All-in-all, this change is stacking up to be a good one.

This Week's Training:

Aside from struggling to get out of bed, this week's training was pretty solid. One thing I probably need to work on more is shoulder pre-hab. I've noticed my shoulders feeling a little more stiff, which could be a new consequence of having a desk job. So, I'll be sure to address this moving forward.

Monday - Lower Body Focus

1. Low Bar Squat - 6x2 @ 285
2. Oly Squat - 2x5 @ 305, 1x8 @ 285

3A. Ab Wheel Rollouts - 3x12
3B. GHR - 3x8
3C. St. Leg Raise - 3x10-12
3D. Farmer's Walk - 2x30sec @ 105 each, 1x max distance

Wednesday - Upper Body Focus

1. Bench - 1x6 @ 255
2. Close Grip Bench - 275x3, 275x4, 225x6

3A. Pendlay Row - 4x8
3B. Db Bench Mechanical Drop Sets - 2x max @ ~45, 20 & 0 degree incline

4A. Chin ups (various grips) - 3x max reps
4B. Pallof press - 2x3x10s holds
4C. Chest supported rear laterals - 2x12
4D. Triceps - Tate press + rolling triceps - 2x max reps each

Friday - Lower Body Focus

1. Deadlift - 3x2 @ 445, 1x1 @ 475
2. Snatch Grip RDL w/ straps - 1x10 @ 225, 3x8 @ 275

3A. Ham Curl - 3x10
3B. 3 month KB Pullover w/ pause - 3x10
3C. Meadows Row - 3x10

4. Turkish Get Ups - 5 mins continuous alternating arms

Sunday - GPP

1A. Kb Swings - 10, 10, 15, 15, 20, 20
1B. Suspension Curls - 5x10

2A. SL Offset Kb RDL - 3x8
2B. Suspension Tricep Extensions - 3x15

3. Hill Sprints - 3x100 yds