Friday, November 15, 2013
30 Years 30 Lessons - Part 2
Something strange is happening. Now that I have been 30 for a couple weeks, I feel markedly wiser and even more handsome. Hopefully this renewed intelligence and good-lookingness will lead to fame and fortune in the next decade.
Now, on to the second half of my 30 lessons.
16. The best way to get stronger is adding weight to the bar. If you are lifting the same weights week after week, month after month, you probably aren't making any progress. Vary the load, intensity, speed and rep schemes you are using and make sure poundage is increasing. A few of my favorite programs out there include 5/3/1, The Juggernaut Method, AMD, and Show and Go. I haven't purchased it yet, but Eric Cressey's High Performance Handbook is out now and I'm sure it is a fantastic program as well. Go pick one of these up if you are serious about getting stronger.
17. Pain is a manifestation of dysfunction elsewhere. If your knee hurts, the knee probably isn't the problem. Look for a mobility or stability problem in the adjacent joint. The same goes for the shoulder, back etc.
18. Cherish every day and every moment. You only get one shot at life.
19. Auto-regulation is a fantastic thing. Some days we feel great and others we feel like crap. Real life is tiring and stressful. If you always keep your foot on the gas you will inevitably burn out. Constructing a program that allows one to capitalize on the good days and "punch the clock" on the bad is crucial to long term success.
20. Preserve your athleticism. We don't spend enough time at play. All the time we spend in the weight room is beneficial, but along the way we stop running, jumping, rolling and throwing. Why? Make it a point to get outside and play or add some agility work into your routine. All that time in the weight room doesn't mean much if you can't play a little flag football with your buddies without getting hurt.
21. Consistency is the key to long term success.
22. View your time and energy as an investment. You have control over the situations, and individuals (personally and professionally) that are worth your investment. Invest wisely.
23. We don't give breathing patterns enough credit. You don't really own your stability until you can breathe through it. Start making proper breathing a priority and marvel at the results.
24. You should never pay anyone for something you can do yourself (unless that person is me).
25. Movement capacity is the most important aspect of fitness and performance. Strength is important, but not at the expense of proper movement. If you can't get yourself in the correct position to squat, deadlift, and press you will never be as strong as you could be.
26. Any idiot can make you tired. A good coach will make you better. Any good fitness professional has a systematic way of approaching just about everything. Results by default aren't worth your money. If your trainer can't identify the steps they will take to progress you to your goal, take your business elsewhere.
27. Goals MUST be specific and measurable. It is much easier to hold yourself accountable if you have a quantitative measure to aim for. Anything else is spinning your wheels.
28. If more people picked up heavy things and listened to AC/DC the world would be a better place.
29. There is a difference between "training" and "exercising". Exercising is for those with no direction. They have no goals and no expectations of themselves. Going to the gym and eating well is nothing more than an obligation and they expect to see results with minimal effort. Training is for those who have a purpose. They have concrete goals and hold themselves to a higher standard. Their time is a valuable commodity and they use it wisely. Training is a life long pursuit and it takes a heavy dose of hard work and dedication. These individuals don't get hung up on minor setbacks. They keep pushing forward and setting new goals.
30. All your health efforts don't mean shit if you don't buckle your seat belt.
Hopefully you all take something away from a few of the lessons I've learned in my short time on this earth. Looking back, I have been pretty fortunate thus far and hope to live happily through my next 30.
Have a great weekend!
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