Sorry Northern friends. I almost feel bad for you.You still have the chance to escape. It's never too late!
With the coming of spring, many of us feel much more motivated. In addition to better weather, we have daylight savings time, which gives us more time for activities!
A big part of my "mantra" if you will, is to provide simple solutions for my readers to implement that can improve their health and performance. Let's face it, life is crazy. Many of us barely have time to scratch our assess and brush our teeth (hopefully not in that order). With that being said, here are 5 simple things you can implement immediately to get more out of your daily regimen.
1. Go For a Walk
I am convinced that walking is the sole most underrated activity out there. Just about anyone can do it and it is easy as pie to implement into your daily routine. Many seem to poo poo waking because it "isn't hard enough". Well let me be the first one to say that you don't need to blow your a-hole out every time you exercise. If you drive your car 100 miles per hour everywhere you go its a pretty safe bet your car isn't going to last very long. Neither will your driving privileges.Your body is no different.
Simple aerobic exercise is excellent for recovery and overall sense of well being. I make it a point to get out almost every day with my favorite walking buddy and get a mile or two in.
Simply go for a brisk walk, 2 miles per day. You can also throw some strength work in beforehand. For example, I might do a total of 60 kettlebell swings and 20 pullups (which takes all of about 5 minutes), then we head out for our walk. Boom.
2. Drink More Water
Adequate hydration is essential for overall health. Drinking more water will help with weight loss, flexibility, and generally make you feel better.
As a rule of thumb, you should consume half your bodyweight in ounces per day.
My favorite strategies are to fill up a big jug/container and take it with you wherever you go, or make sure you drink a big glass every time you put food in your body.
3. Learn to Breathe Properly
Yet another activity that does not get enough credit. Considering that we do this on average of 22,000 times per day, I'd say its kind of important.
In my experience, most people are mouth and accessory breathers. First off, breathing should be done through the nose. This ensures an adequate amount of oxygen is taken in with each breath. Mouth breathers tend to "over-breathe" meaning upon inhalation too much oxygen is taken into the body. Ever have a stuffy nose or are constantly clearing your throat for no apparent reason? Well that is your body trying to control tidal volume by producing more mucous. The body can only handle so much oxygen at one time. Without these attempts to maintain homeostasis, blood Ph would sky rocket, sending you into renal failure. Moral of the story? Breathe through your nose.
Second, use your diaphragm to breathe. Upon inhalation the abdomen should expand and the upper chest/neck area should remain still. For more on this read my two part series on breathing HERE and HERE.
Proper breathing is essential for core function, recovery, and your movement foundation, so DON'T UNDERESTIMATE ITS IMPORTANCE.
For starters, take 15-20 deep, diaphragmatic breaths before bed every night.
3 month breathing
Crocodile breathing
4. Do More Pulling
Ask any lifter if he has done more pulling than pressing over his training lifetime. The honest answer will most often be NO. I am no exception (although I believe I am closing the gap).
A strong back is essential for performance and shoulder health. The biggest, strongest individuals in the world concurrently have big strong backs. You will squat more, deadlift more, and press more with less shoulder pain with attention to this important muscle group. And yes ladies, a wide back is sexy.
Shoot for a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio of pulling to pushing with exercises like rows, chins, and rotator cuff work.
5. Eat a Hearty Breakfast
I have never understood how people aren't hungry in the morning. When I wake up I am absolutely ravenous. At the risk of sounding cliche, a good breakfast sets the tone for the rest of the day. It stokes your metabolic and anabolic furnace. Energetic, well fed, and strong people will always out perform the tired, starving, and weak.
In my humble opinion, if you aren't getting AT LEAST 30 grams of protein in at breakfast (breakfast means within 30 minutes of waking), you are falling short. If you train in the early morning, some exceptions can be made here. Here are a few examples from my own breakfast:
4 whole eggs
1/2 cup of oats with cinnamon
1/2 or whole banana
1 cup of almond milk
2 scoops of natural peanut butter
1 scoop of protein
1/2 cup of oats
1 large handful of spinach
1 banana
Cinnamon to taste
1/2 cup of oats
1 scoop of protein powder
1 handful of walnuts or almonds
1 banana
Obviously you will need to scale these up or down based on body composition and goals.
So there you have it. 5 simple activities to make your daily life a little more awesome. Give them a shot and reap the benefits!
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