Friday, July 12, 2013

A Quick Rant On Nutrition

An unexpected death in the family had us taking a last minute trip up to PA last week. Needless to say, it has been a pretty tough week. Between all the emotional stress and cramming a bunch of training sessions into a 3 day work week, I'm totally exhausted. I wasn't going to post anything this week, but I met with a client today about nutrition and the wheels started turning.

I prefer not to post much on nutrition. This blog is geared toward training, and my reflections on life. There are plenty of healthy food blogs out there in addition to a cornucopia of nutritional advice, diet plans etc. If you have a hunger for the latest, cutting edge recipes and specific advice you are best served looking elsewhere.

Now I understand that nutrition plays a huge part in the success and failure of any individual. Don't mistake my lack of interest in nutrition for not giving a shit about what you put in your body. If you are stuffing your face with McDonalds and Bud Light every day, you aren't going to be very successful.

I believe that the best approach to nutrition (or anything) is one that fosters the most adherence. I could lay out the most badass nutrition plan in the world, but if my client doesn't follow it, none of that matters. Take Weight Watchers for example. It certainly is not the best approach out there, but many have had success with it because it is easy to follow. At the end of the day, the best program is one you can stick to. Any plan is better than no plan at all.

I don't understand why people try to overcomplicate things. Everyone is looking for a complex solution to a relatively simple problem. Maybe its because there is sooo much information out there that people don't know where to begin. Its so easy to become overwhelmed.

How many calories should I consume?

How much protein do I need?

Is fat good or bad for you?

How many times per day should I eat?

How long between meals?

Why am I hungry all the time?

What is you name?

What is your quest?

What is your favorite color?

These are just a few of the questions I get on a weekly basis. The answer is always the same.

It depends.

For this reason, I believe in a minimalist approach. Its not sexy and nobody is going to write a book about it any time soon, but it works. Ready to have your mind blown?

1. Cut out processed food
2. Eat more protein - Every meal - Take whatever you eat now and double it.
3. Eat more vegetables - Every meal - Double whatever you eat now.
4, Eat more healthy fats - Eat dead animal flesh and grab a handful of nuts or something.
5. Limit alcohol intake

Seriously. In 90% of cases it really is that simple. If more people followed this approach we all would be a lot better off. I find myself getting frustrated because I tell people the same thing all the time and they look at me like I'm stupid. They want something profound and ultra scientific.

Do we really need to go that far?

If you can't follow the above guidelines, why the hell would I give you anything more complicated?

Take an honest look at what you are putting in your body every day. If you can't meet these simple requirements 90% of the time, you don't need anything more complex. Sure its a little boring, but if it works who cares?

If you really do need something more complex, I recommend the Paleo approach, Zone Diet, or intermittent fasting.

Don't agree? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments section!

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