Thursday, October 10, 2013

Low Bar Squat vs High Bar Squat: Choosing the Right One for You

Nobody can debate the effectiveness of the squat. It is the cornerstone of any good strength training program. Regardless of your goals, some squat variation deserves its special place in your program.

Want big legs? Squat.

Shapely glutes? Squat.

A date with Sofia Vergara? Keep squatting.

The back squat is probably the most popular squatting variation. It also allows one to handle the most load, therefore I consider it the most beneficial.

Early in my strength training career, I really didn't know the difference between the low bar back squat and the high bar back squat. My coaches probably didn't either. Like any beginner, I just put the bar on my back and started cranking out reps. For a beginner this is probably fine, you just need to get used to squatting with some weight on your back and adding pounds to the bar.

As one progresses to the intermediate level, it becomes useful to know the difference between back squatting in the low bar and high bar positions. This way one is able to choose which is a better fit for their goals.

High Bar Squat

The high bar position is the most commonly seen bar placement in the back squat. Walk into any commercial facility and you will likely see any Bro Montana using a high bar position hammering out half reps with a puss pad and less than stellar technique. I'm not saying the high bar position is bad, just making a point that its rare to see someone squatting correctly in a commercial gym.

In the high bar position, the bar is placed high on the shoulders, right on the upper traps. Due to the higher center of gravity one must maintain a more upright torso through the movement. This decreases the knee angle and increases the hip angle, thus making the lift more quad dominant.

Due to the quad dominant nature of the lift, the high bar squat is best used by those with more aesthetic goals in mind (big quads). High bar squats are commonly used by bodybuilders because of increased quadriceps recruitment. The high bar position is also preferred by Olympic lifters because it keeps the torso more upright (as in catching a clean in the bottom position).

The only real downside to the high bar position is that it limits the amount of weight that can be used.

Low Bar Squat

The low bar position is less commonly seen in your average commercial gym setting. Usually because it is more technically demanding and most people simply don't know how to do it correctly.

In the low bar position the bar is placed lower on the shoulders. The proper position is located right above the spine of the scapulae. The first attempt at maintaining this position is usually very uncomfortable, especially when the weight gets heavy. The "chest out" cue becomes very important when using a low bar set up.

Due to the lower center of gravity, this variation requires a more angled torso during the descent. It feels a little strange at first because you have to actively lean forward at the torso and sit back at the same time. This increases the knee angle and decreases the hip angle, thus making this movement more posterior chain dominant and allowing for maximal glute and hamstring recruitment.

A low bar position is best used by those with more performance based goals because the lower center of gravity and ability to recruit the hips more allows for the use of heavier loads. Low bar squats are commonly used by more experienced strength trainees and powerlifters. I would argue that they are more beneficial to athletes as well (stronger backside = more powerful athlete).

A downside to the low bar squat is that it can be hard on the shoulders. Placing the shoulders in an abducted and externally rotated position under load can beat them up over the long haul. Especially if your shoulder mobility is a little shaky to begin with. If you decide to make the low bar squat your variation of choice, it would be wise to rotate periods of high bar and front squatting (along with the usual pre-hab) into your programming to keep your shoulders healthy.


As always, knowledge is power. Knowing the correct variation to use based on your goals will serve you well over the long haul. I've cited it a few times on here now, but Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength is an excellent book for those of you that want to get more serious about your barbell training.

So here's a quick recap:

High Bar Squat
  • Lower learning curve.
  • More quad dominant.
  • Less weight can be used.
  • Best for aesthetic-based goals and Olympic lifting.
Low Bar Squat
  • Higher learning curve.
  • More hip dominant.
  • More weight can be used.
  • Best for performance-based goals and the serious strength crowd.
  • Hard on the shoulders. Make sure to rotate your lifts accordingly.

Now go squat something!

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